Code & Content Management

Data Processing Services

Big data can be overwhelming to crunch. Even if it's just the content that's accumulated in your CMS over time. What to speak of dealing with large archives of images, documents, e-books, and other media that you may want to get online. Not to worry — we're seasoned data-crunchers here. Please don't spend your time updating it manually, let us help you out.

Data Conversion & Structuring

A whole lot of data in an awkward format? Whether it's a bunch of Word documents, a pile of HTML files, miscellaneous spreadsheets, or an old database dump, we'll help parse it into your preferred database schema or machine-readable target format. We can also organize your content bulk into accessible structured data with algorithms we'll design together.

Data Migration & CMS Import

Changing platforms or migrating to a new server? We'll ensure that all your data and digital assets move safely into the new environment. We can also convert and migrate content, user accounts etc. databases between different platforms. If you need to import data from a source format into your content management system, we'll automate and optimize the process.

Metadata Analysis & Extraction

Make use of the data you already have. Whether it's folders of images, PDFs and docs, or audio and video media, we'll set up the tools for extracting the embedded metadata. We can also build algorithms to analyze your content and generate new metadata, providing it for your use in your preferred format. Very helpful if you have a content repository in the works!

Database Search & Processing Tools

You can only ever master your data if you have the right tools for dealing with it. A custom search engine interface for easy and efficient queries? Or as complex as the database back-end allows, that's your call, we'll implement to boot. Generating views and outputs, cross-referencing, processing actions based on your data? Let us know what, we'll figure out the how.

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