Content Optimization Services
Text and media on your website need to be optimized for humans and search engines alike. If your content isn't optimized, you're losing out both on traffic and conversions aka. desired visitor actions.
Search Engine & Technical Optimization
If nobody finds your website, it won't matter how fancy it is. We'll cover for example the following optimizations:
- Text Content Optimization: Appropriate structure with headers etc. semantic tags in place. Evaluating keyword saturation against desired search vectors. Editing and SEO copywriting to improve your exposure.
- Media Optimization: Images and other media need appropriate metadata attached to make them easy to discover and index. Media file sizes should be minimized for rapid loading.
- If you have lots of content and a pattern for processing, we can develop scripts for batch-processing, sparing you from time-consuming manual modification marathons; or utilities that let you curate your content more efficiently.
Visitor Usability & Reading Optimization
If people find you but won't engage, your content and user interface may need improvement. We can help you with:
- Content editing guidance toward easy online reading and for improving the impact. We can also edit your texts and do routine copywriting to help you better reach your audience.
- Layout and interface structuring to ensure everything's intuitively laid out, organized into coherent structures and sequences, and otherwise easy to access and operate.
You may also want to browse our website auditing services to ensure that you have all the bases covered.